
The Devil Speaks

I was pretty tired last month and ended up napping on the couch quite a bit... Unfortunately the living room is the second most active room in the house, our bedroom being the most.
Most activity happens in the early evening and during the night so I figured an afternoon nap would be fine... I was very wrong!

Being a bit tired in the afternoon isn't unusual for me, however this particular afternoon was unlike any other, I was overwhelmingly tired to the point I literally could not keep my eyes open, so I laid back on the couch hoping that I would feel better after a nap.

Almost as soon as I closed my eyes I felt like the room was spinning and I was overcome by the scent of flowers (I was alone in the house and not wearing any perfume), then suddenly it seemed as though I was in a dream or a trance, everything was quiet and calm and everything was clear.

That is when I heard a voice that gave me chills, loudly and authoritarian it said "Give Me those!"
My initial reaction was to say no and I did just that. I said NO, not in my head but out loud like I was speaking to someone in the room with me.

The calm and quiet immediately became chaotic, it sounded like I was surrounded by white noise, the room was spinning so fast I grabbed hold of the couch and there were colors of light swirling around me like the inside of a rave.
Whatever the voice was clearly was not pleased and it started speaking in a language I have never heard before, rhythmic almost as if it were chanting the same words over and over again.

This went on for what felt like forever before I audibly yelled "Whatever it is you want you are not getting it" then just as suddenly as it started everything stopped, like time had stood still for a second before everything was back to normal and I sat up from the couch gasping for air.

Unlike every other time I have heard something speak to me, I was not afraid, I was unnaturally calm despite feeling like the air had been sucked from my lungs. The scent of flowers lingered in the air for quite a long time afterwards and if not for that scent I would have questioned if it had actually happened or if it was all a dream.

My dog, who never leaves my side was laying on the floor sleeping during this event, right up until I yelled, then she woke up growling, fur standing up and a very confused look on her face. She looked around the room then did a quick round about the house checking everything before she came back whimpering as she climbed up into my lap.

I no longer felt tired in the same way I had felt earlier, I was still a bit sleepy but the kind of sleepy that you have when you first wake up. I spent the rest of my day questioning what the hell had happened, what the voice meant by "those" and how I was going to explain what happened to my husband, if I even could explain it.

About an hour after the event I decided that I had to do something to stop this from happening again, so I did the only thing I could think of. I poured salt and vinegar into a large cup, placed it in the middle of the room and prayed my ass off that whatever was in my house would leave.
I cannot tell if it was the glass of salt and vinegar or my praying that helped but I haven't smelt the flowers since. I left the cup of salt and vinegar out for weeks, partly because I wanted it to work and partly because it made me laugh when I told my husband what it was, the look on his face was priceless.


Tipping Tea

Late Saturday afternoon, while nothing in particular is happening I decided to make myself a cup of tea, nothing special about it. I set my cup out, put in my sugar and set the pot up to boil while I go for a smoke.

Once the water is boiled all I have to do is simply pour it into my cup with my tea bag. A simple task that I have done a million times throughout my life without incident. This however was not the case this time.

This time, as I poured the boiled water into my cup, my cup suddenly and very slowly started to tip over. Without thinking I put out my hand to stop the cup from spilling but unfortunately all I did was fight the tipping cup for a few seconds, scalding my fingers rather badly.

I told my husband what happened and he originally thought that I maybe held the pot too close and accidentally knocked it over, so I reenacted what happened with an empty cup showing him exactly how slowly the cup had tipped.

Needless to say my husband looked at the cup in disbelief before grabbing my hand to examine my new burns. He quicky put his first aid training to work ensuring that my hand was placed in cold water to counteract the burn and started looking for the aloe gel. Unfortunately I hadn't bought any new aloe so he grabbed the calamine lotion and poured it over my fingers.

The calamine worked well initially but then the burning came back with a vengeance so I grabbed my trusty icepack from the freezer and wrapped it around my fingers.

I'm still in disbelief about what happened. It is physically impossible for a cup to tip so slowly without something holding onto it, and yet it happened.

I wish I could say that this is the first time that something like this had happened but sadly this is a common occurrence. Usually things that happen are harmless but from time to time it is quite clear that whatever is here wants to harm me and I am powerless to stop it.

I'll continue to document the things that happen and I hope that whatever is going on stops and stops soon.